Thursday, August 16, 2007

A link to the past

If you want to read my mama's account of her father's death, click here.  If you're in China, click here

I actually heard this story from Auntie M one night in Lubbock, Texas just a couple years ago; the young cowsins went out to sample Lubbock's magnificent night life; I stayed in and asked for a story, a link to the past.

Auntie M's version of this particular story includes my mama, 4 years old, sitting on a table as she heard the news of Tatang's death.  She said, "But now he'll never get to see me grow up."  At this point in the story, Auntie M started to cry a little; when mama came in later, she started to cry too. 

My cowsins in California and my sister and I, we never met Tatang M, but we know we love him.  I wonder what he would think of his grandkids, the federal agents, the small business owner, the nurse, the programmer, the non-profit worker, the language teacher.... and all of my other cowsins I haven't met, children of my older uncles.  I think we're a decent group; I hope he would be proud. 

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