Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I like Moon Cakes

So the full moon was a few days ago, and X bought a bunch of moon cakes.  I managed to not eat a moon cake during the full moon, but a day or two afterward, I decided to try one.  X gave me "spiced salt" flavor, because it's not as sweet as the sweet ones apparently, and he worries about my diabetes.  Whatever.  Anyway, I ate it, and it was a little sweet and a lot delicious, and I opened the curtain to admire the moon, and X recited a moon poem.  JUST LIKE IN THE TEXTBOOK.  I should have studied more vocab. 

The next day, I had another one, it tasted the same to me, but apparently it was a different flavor.  Sesame.  I just ate the last one just now (X put it on my desk for me to find when I came back after lunch).  Not sure what flavor it was because I refuse to read, but I know it was delicious. 

Awkward Moment. 

So I had to do a dialog with another dude in class, and the dialog was a dude asking a woman out to dinner.  So I took the role of the dude, and asked him out to dinner.  Whatever, I'm secure in my sexuality, and it's just a Chinese class dialog.  The other guy is kind of a funny guy, so he didn't want to go out with me, even though, I complimented his eyes and said that he was the prettiest among all our classmates.  So I asked him why don't you want to go out with me?  And then after finding the right word in his Plecodict, he said he doesn't want to go out with me because he knew I had AIDS. 

How do you convince someone to have dinner with you once they say they know you have AIDS?  I didn't want to go into the finer details of HIV status, so I just said, don't worry, we can use latex. 

At that point, the classmates didn't like where the dialog was going, so they ended the dialog for us before the teacher could ask what latex was. 

Operation Hi-jack the Class

So today we tried to be charming and chat our way out of having to discuss the newspaper article about a polluted lake.  The teacher asked us if we knew how to cook and what kind of cuisines we knew how to cook.  I told her we should take her out and introduce her to American food, which she's never had before.  Someone mentioned going to T.G.I.Friday's which was funny because we called it TGI星期五。  It took a minute for everyone around the room to understand what TGI星期五 restaurant was, and we had a good laugh.  The teacher insisted she couldn't go with students to bars, discos, or American restaurants.  We all understood bars and discos, but why can't we go to an American restaurant?  We can go to a Chinese restaurant, a Korean restaurant....  Then she brought up the fact that TGI星期五 in Hangzhou is a gay spot.  Her gay friends go there.  This fact shocked some of the dudes in the class (why would gay people like TGI星期五?), but I wanted to keep the distraction going.

So I said "we just want to eat food.  Do your gay friends not eat food?" 

At this point in the conversation, B chimes in with 'they eat stuff, but it's not food.'

And that was the end.  We all laughed for about five minutes and then for about three minutes more, the teacher tried to get us back on track, which made us laugh more.  After that we talked about the polluted lake. 

So the lake is polluted with cyanobacteria, a word that our teacher is surprised that none of us know in English. 

I Don't Care. 

First, I have to do the homework that corresponds to today's classes, it should take 2 hours to complete.  Tomorrow there's a written exam, gotta study for that.  Followed by an oral exam, in which we prepare three topics, and at the time of the exam, we draw one of the three topics from a hat and then talk until we're done.  Then we have to go interview 3 to 4 Chinese people about their thoughts on the status of women in society, and then write a page-long summary, turn it in by Monday.  Oh, don't forget we have to preview the text for Monday, so we aren't totally lost during 8 am grammar. 

I may just do my homework really fast and then go to Chengdu with some others to see some pandas.  We'll see. 

1 comment:

Elisha said...

I vote on pandas... they probably look the same everywhere, but it's better than taking a longer/slower time on your homework.

But then again, almost anything is better than that.

You can talk about sex/aids and latex in chinese, but you can't read it yet..... ha ha ha!