Wednesday, July 25, 2007

There are no words.

Ok, so I'm sitting on my bed, looking at some videos my sister sent me. My roommate X decides to show me the Chinese version of YouTube, which is The video you see above is on the front page.

I told X they were Filipinos. He asked if they were really prisioners, and I said yes. Why are they dancing? He asked if Filipinos really like to dance.

I had to answer "yes."


sandi said...

Can you say faculty karaoke for next year? You've GOT to make a guest appearance...

Delia Christina said...

this puts your impromptu janet jackson 'control' dance on the corner in ann arbor in complete perspective. (and explains my suppressed desire to burst into choreography while waiting at the bus stop.)

thank you thank you thank you.

Tita said...

Dude, I just came by to leave this link for you but I should have known you'd already have enjoyed the Cebuano mtv. I have nothing else to say, since you understand as well as I do.

Myrna Villanueva said...

Those are just the army of red ants doing their drill team routine.